Japanese Team Saves Nearly-Extinct Herons by Hand-Rearing Chicks

With Japanese know-how and the unwavering support of Japanese experts, Bhutan’s national bird is being hatched and hand-reared in captivity successfully for the first time ever. The major hurdle to rearing chicks was overcome, and two healthy birds were just...

More Than 50,000 Pounds of Trash Removed from the Arctic in 2023

Over 50,000 pounds of trash have been removed from the Arctic in 2023 after a multilateral effort flooded critical northern ecosystems with volunteers. Working during the brief Arctic summer, clean-up operations were carried out in Alaska, Greenland, Norway, and...

More Than 50,000 Pounds of Trash Removed from the Arctic in 2023

Over 50,000 pounds of trash have been removed from the Arctic in 2023 after a multilateral effort flooded critical northern ecosystems with volunteers. Working during the brief Arctic summer, clean-up operations were carried out in Alaska, Greenland, Norway, and...

More Than 50,000 Pounds of Trash Removed from the Arctic in 2023

Over 50,000 pounds of trash have been removed from the Arctic in 2023 after a multilateral effort flooded critical northern ecosystems with volunteers. Working during the brief Arctic summer, clean-up operations were carried out in Alaska, Greenland, Norway, and...